Rodhas Thoyahridas Shramena Pathikas Chayan Tharor vristithho
Beethaswastha Griham Grihasthamathithm Deena: Prabum Dharmikam/
Deepam Santhamasakulascha Shikinam Sheetavritatvam Thatha
Cheta: Sarva Bhayapaham Vraja Sukam Shambo: Padaamboruham//
In this SLOKA, Bhavatpadal, describes different types of fears and exhorts our minds to catch hold of Lord's feet to get rid of all the fears enumerated therein.
- For a man caught in a flood, Lord' feet is like the bank where he can escape from the fury of the flood.
- For a man getting burnt in the sweltering heat of the Sun, Lord's feet is the tree giving the shade.
- A person caught in pouring rains, finds solace in a house - Lord's feet
- An Athithi - A guest (hungry) finds comfort with Grihastha(Host) - Lord's feet
- a person struggling in the dark for directions, finds Light a big Solace - Lords' Feet
- For a person shivering with cold, Fire is the comfort - Lord' feet
All fears have their origin in the fear of DEATH. If we firmly hold Lord's feet in our mind, all fears will melt.