Giramahur Devim Dhruhina Grihinim Aghama vidho
Hare: patnim Padmam Harasahacharim adritanayam|
Turiya Kapi tvam duradi gama nisseema mahima
Mahamaya Vishwam brayamayasi Parabrahmamahishi||
Here in this Sloka, Sankaracharya's description of Shakthi as the ABSOLUTE is stunning: He says you are the partner of the PARABRAHMAM - You are the MAHAMAYA.
As the spouse of Brahma, you are called Saraswathi - the Supreme fountainhead of knowledge.
Being Lord Vishnu's better half, you are famous as Lakshmi - the abode of all wealth of all worlds.
You are Lord Shiva's ardhangini, Parvathi Devi, the destroyer of all evils and demons.
Over and above, you are the fourth one, who is present in all the above three forms plus also the Mahamaya.
This description of Shakti as Mahamaya is very famous. It was She, who came in Mahabharata, during Devaki's delivery. When Kamsa, tried to kill that child, the child escapes from his hands and shouts at him, you fool, the child who is born to kill you later has already escaped to Brindavan! Beware!